July 18, 2008

CTA Considers Standing Room Only

Now that seniors can ride the CTA for free and with the rising costs of gas, more and more people have been using the city's public transit. While this is great in terms of 'traveling green,' this means that there are more commuters during rush hour on already crowded buses and trains. But due to limited funding, the CTA cannot afford to buy more buses nor more rail cars.

packed train chicagoThe answer to the problem? Cattle cars!

Okay, not exactly, but not far from it. According to the Tribune and the Sun-Times, the Chicago Transit Authority is considering removing seats from at least two cars from each eight-car train, enabling more people to board at a time. Currently about 90 passengers can fit on a standard eL car. Removing the seats would allow anywhere from 30 to 50 more people.

These standing-room-only cars will likely be introduced in just a few months on the Brown Line and then expanded to the Red and Blue Lines. They will be clearly marked and only be used at peak travel hours.

So what do you think? Would you ride in a standing-room-only car on the eL?

Photo credit: (c/o Flickr) DCE

One comment

1 comment to CTA Considers Standing Room Only

  1. Chicago Links
    July 19th, 2008 at 5:31 pm

    [...] Mike Doyle at Chicago Carless offers his own take on the CTA's introduction of seatless eL cars. [...]

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